All-Bizarre Injury Team--BY Ray Holloman (02/03/07)
出自ESPN Page2的這篇文章,說著一些大聯盟球員特別(令人意想不到,甚至我們看來十分爆笑)的受傷經驗,也仿照All-Star Team選出了"All-Bizarre Injury Team"。
Manager: Roger Craig (Giants)
Cut his hand on a bra strap ... though we're guessing that's pain he played through
Catcher: Mickey Tettleton (Tigers)
Once missed action with athlete's foot ... caused by tying his shoes too tight.
First Base: Ryan Klesko (Braves)(2000年轉到教士)
Once overexerted himself and pulled a muscle ... while picking up his lunch tray.
Second Base: Bret Barberie (Marlins)
Missed a game after rubbing chili juice in his eye ... probably after getting stuck behind John Kruk in morning stretches.
Shortstop: Rey Quinones (Seattle)
Once was unavailable for pinch hitting duty, because he had already returned to the clubhouse ... to play Nintendo.
Third Base: Wade Boggs (Red Sox)
Injured himself while pulling on his cowboy boots.
Outfield: Kevin Mitchell (Mets/Giants)
The master of all bizarre injuries, he once injured himself while eating a cupcake. That, of course, was when he wasn't missing games because of vomiting -induced muscle strains, or strained eyelids.
Outfield: Ken Griffey, Jr. (Mariners)(2000年轉至紅人)
Missed a game after suffering a pinched testicle from his protective cup ... which explains why the whole "pain in the butt" thing just isn't phasing Jr.
Outfield: Oddibe McDowell (Rangers)
Yet another sad story of a baseball toughman getting taken out by food, he sliced his hand at the Texas welcome home luncheon while attempting to butter his roll.
Designated Hitter: Glenallen Hill (Blue Jays)
Went on the DL because of cuts suffered after smashing a glass table while dreaming he was being attacked by spiders ... anyway, that's his story, and he's sticking to it.
Bench: Terry Harper (Braves)
Separated his shoulder while waving a teammate home and subsequently high-fiving him.
Bench: Rickey Henderson (Blue Jays)(球員紀錄到2003年道奇)
Missed a game because of frostbite ... in August.
Bench: Mark Smith (Orioles)
Injured his hand after sticking it in an air conditioner to "find out why it wasn't working."
Bench: Jose Cardenal (Cubs)
Missed a game in 1974 because he couldn't blink.
Bench: George Brett (Royals)
Broke his toe on a chair at his home while running from the kitchen to the TV to watch Bill Buckner hit.
(為了看Bill Buckner 打擊,從廚房跑到電視機前,結果腳趾撞到椅子骨折)
Bench: Vince Coleman (Cardinals)
Missed the 1985 World Series after getting rolled up in the tarp machine.
(被tarp machine捲入受傷,而錯過85年的世界大賽)
Starting pitcher: John Smoltz (Braves)(88年到現在都在勇士)
Once burned his chest while ironing a shirt ... which he was still wearing.
Starting pitcher: Tom Glavine (Braves)(03年轉到Mets)
Redefining the phrase "star hurler," he broke a rib in 1992 after vomiting up airplane food.
Starting pitcher: Nolan Ryan (Astros)
Missed a start after being bitten on his hand ... by a coyote.
Starting pitcher: Carlos Perez (Expos)
Broke his nose in a car accident ... while trying to pass the team bus.
Starting pitcher: Doc Gooden (Mets)
Missed a start when Vince Coleman accidentally struck him with a golf club in the clubhouse.
(與當時大都會的隊友Vince Coleman一同去高爾夫俱樂部,意外被他擊傷 )
Middle reliever: Steve Sparks (Brewers)
Dislocated his shoulder attempting to tear a phone book in half.
Middle reliever: Charlie Hough (Rangers)
Once broke his pinky ... shaking hands -- pinky shaking, that is.
Middle reliever: Ricky Bones (Marlins)
Went on the disabled list in 2000 after injuring himself while changing channels on the clubhouse TV.
Middle reliever: Greg Harris (Rangers)
Injured his wrist while flicking sunflower seeds in the dugout
Closer: Jason Isringhausen (Athletics)(02年轉到紅雀)
Broke his hand while punching a trash can just weeks after stabbing himself in the leg trying to open a package.
- Aug 19 Fri 2005 10:04