本季6/16 A's v.s. M's,運動家主場O.co Coliseum的球員休息室出現了污水,迫使賽後兩隊球員需一起到球場二樓NFL奧克蘭突擊者隊的locker room進行盥洗 [註]。
舊金山紀事報的Susan Slusser提到,不少污水流到了兩隊的淋浴區、裁判的房間、clubhouse level的浴室、兩隊總教練的辦公室以及水手隊的練習室。導致賽後,裁判們、水手隊大多數教練以及水手隊總教練Eric Wedge沒有沖澡便離開球場。
O.co Coliseum落成於1966年,管線系統已有些老舊。在出現這樣的狀況後,更加深了A's想要一座新球場的想法與合理性 (前情提要: 無處可去的男人們阿 (上)、無處可去的男人們阿 (下)。"污水事件"過沒幾天,更傳出聖荷西市控告大聯盟官方阻礙運動家隊更換根據地的新聞 (而A's與Coliseum的租約將於今年球季到期,MLB執行長Bud Selig預計在2014年退休)。
San Jose sues MLB over A's blocked move
By Jill Tucker and John Shea
San Francisco Chronicle
The city of San Jose sued Major League Baseball on Tuesday in an effort to move the Oakland Athletics to the South Bay, a lawsuit that challenges the Giants' claim to the region and MLB's monopoly over the business of professional baseball.
聖荷西市於週四控告大聯盟官方,為了讓奧克蘭運動家隊能夠搬到南灣 (譯註: San Jose位於南灣),這訴訟正挑戰著巨人隊宣稱擁有這區域,以及大聯盟在職棒商業行為上的壟斷。
The San Jose City Council voted behind closed doors Tuesday to file a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in San Jose.
The suit follows years of political wrangling by A's owners John Fisher and Lew Wolff to move the team out of O.co Coliseum.
這訴訟出現在A's老闆John Fisher和Lew Wolff 想要將球隊搬離O.co Coliseum的多年政治角力之後。
The lawsuit claims Major League Baseball and its commissioner, Bud Selig, have violated state and federal laws regarding unfair business practices and anticompetitive conduct. It also challenges the exemption to antitrust laws that the U.S. Supreme Court upheld for Major League Baseball in 1922, which has allowed the league to control everything from merchandising to broadcast rights to team locations.
此官司主張大聯盟官方與其主席Bud Selig違反了州與聯邦法律,關於不公平的商業慣例以及反競爭行為。這同時挑戰了1922年美國聯邦最高法院支持大聯盟擁有對於反托拉斯法的豁免權,允許這個聯盟控制一切,從行銷、轉播權到球隊的所在地。
"This action arises from the blatant conspiracy by Major League Baseball to prevent the Athletics Baseball Club from moving to San Jose," the suit says. "This action challenges - and seeks to remedy - defendants' violation of state laws and use of the illegal cartel that results from these agreements to eliminate competition in the playing of games in the San Francisco Bay Area."
"此舉源自於那明顯的陰謀,大聯盟官方欲防止運動家隊搬到聖荷西"該控訴如此表示。"此動作挑戰 (並尋求補救)被告違反了州法,並且使用了從一些協議而來的非法企業聯合,來消除在舊金山灣區比賽的競爭性。"
The A's are not plaintiffs in the lawsuit. As one of the 30 teams that make up Major League Baseball, the A's are technically defendants in the case, but the lawsuit specifically does not seek any monetary damages from the club.
Wolff, the A's managing general partner, said that he wasn't aware of the lawsuit and that he didn't know if it would help or hinder his pursuit of a ballpark in San Jose.
"I am not in favor of legal actions or legal threats to solve business issues," he said, adding that the suit "changes nothing" in terms of his pursuit of the South Bay site.
Ready to move
The A's have been eager to move to a new stadium both in hopes of improving attendance and gaining more revenue through the sale of luxury-box seating. The team has ranked near the bottom in attendance in recent years, although ticket sales have improved this year, with the A's coming off a playoff season and doing well in the standings again.
The team suffered a public-relations black eye over the weekend when raw sewage flooded locker rooms in the stadium, which opened in 1966 and was expanded in the 1990s.
The team and San Jose have proposed building a ballpark near the Diridon train station downtown.
That effort is being fought by the San Francisco Giants, who were handed the territorial rights to that area in the early 1990s by the A's as a favor because then-Giants owner Bob Lurie was trying to relocate to the South Bay from Candlestick Park.
這項努力正遭到舊金山巨人隊的抵抗,從90年代初期,開始巨人隊便擁有這地區的領域權,那是來自A's的恩惠,因當時的巨人老闆Bob Lurie欲將球隊從Candlestick Park搬到南灣。
Efforts to move the A's have been repeatedly rebuffed, including a 1995 effort by then-A's owner Steve Schott and a 2005 attempt by team owners Fisher and Wolff, who explored options in Oakland and Fremont before settling on San Jose.
想讓A's搬家的努力不斷地碰壁,包括1995年當時A's老闆Steve Schott的努力,以及2005年球隊老闆Fisher與Wolff,在目前定在聖荷西的構想之前,探索奧克蘭與Fremont的其他選項。
A vote by MLB team owners could make the territorial change that would allow the move to San Jose, but Selig has delayed any action on the issue, deferring to a committee he appointed to study the issue four years ago. That committee has never made any recommendations.
MLB's Executive Vice President Rob Manfred said Tuesday that the organization has acted in the best interest of fans and the league.
MLB執行副總裁Rob Manfred 星期二說,該組織一直都為了球迷與聯盟的最佳利益而運作。
"The lawsuit is an unfounded attack on the fundamental structures of a professional sports league," he said in a statement.
Pressing the issue
San Jose officials, however, claim they have lost millions of dollars because of Selig's actions, including $3.5 million annually in property tax revenue as well as hundreds of jobs. A new ballpark would generate an estimated $130 million in extra spending in the city each year, according to the lawsuit.
"It's very clear we're not going to get an answer and we need to press the issue," San Jose Mayor Chuck Reed said. "I decided to finally stick up for our rights."
"顯而易見,我們不會得到答案,我們必須在此議題上施壓" 聖荷西市長Chuck Reed說。"我決定為我們的權利抵抗到最後一刻。"
The San Jose Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce voiced support for the suit Tuesday.
"The team owner wants to be here. We have the land and a plan, and now we need the team," said Matthew Mahood, the chamber's president and CEO.
"該球隊老闆想要過來這裡。我們有土地,有計畫,現在我們要需要這支球隊"該商會的總裁與CEO Matthew Mahood說。
Oakland not giving up
Back in Oakland, however, city officials said that they have offered two sites to build a new stadium, one on the waterfront and one at the Coliseum complex, and that the lawsuit wouldn't stop their efforts to keep the team.
Oakland Councilman Larry Reid called the lawsuit an act of hubris.
奧克蘭市議員Larry Reid將這個訴訟稱之為傲慢之舉。
"If they think a lawsuit is going to force Bud Selig to relocate the A's to San Jose, they're going to find out something different," he said.
"如果他/她們認為此訴訟將迫使Bud Selig讓A's遷徙到聖荷西,他/她們將了解會有些許的差別"。
A successful challenge to the antitrust exemption, which gives MLB control over a wide range of aspects of the sport, would be a big blow to the business side of professional baseball.
Joe Cotchett, the private attorney who filed the lawsuit on San Jose's behalf, said he believes the antitrust exemption would no longer stand up in court.
一名私人律師Joe Cotchett,做為聖荷西的代表,遞交了訴訟,他相信反壟斷的豁免權在法庭上不再繼續站得住腳。
"Major League Baseball is going to be significantly affected by the loss of the antitrust exemption, and I think this case will be the case to challenge it," said Cotchett, whose firm is handling the case pro bono for the city and collecting fees from MLB only if they prevail.
"大聯盟一但失去反壟斷的豁免權,將受到顯著的影響,我相信這個案件就會是挑戰這 (意指反壟斷的豁免權)的那個案件"Cotchett說,他的事務所正免費地為這座城市處理這樁案件,只在勝訴時向MLB收取費用。
In the meantime, former A's marketing director Andy Dolich said the legal battle could backfire on San Jose, further delaying any move out of Oakland.
於這段期間,前A's市場部主任Andy Dolich說,訴諸法律可能會對聖荷西造成反效果,更會延緩任何搬離奧克蘭的可能
"When you get into a legal circumstance with the two cities, MLB, the players association, everyone involved, it makes it even more complicated than it currently is, which is complicated as heck," said Dolich, who previously was part of a group that tried to buy the A's.
Fans like Stephen Chen, 27, would like some kind of a resolution, even though the San Francisco resident would prefer that the team stay in the East Bay.
27歲的球迷Stephen Chen,想要某種決議產生,即使這位舊金山居民傾向讓運動家留在東灣。
"They've been stalling for over four years now," he said. "Right now, everyone's in limbo and no one is benefiting from it."
San Francisco Chronicle staff writers Erin Allday and Matthai Kuruvila contributed to this report.
舊金山紀事報的Erin Allday以及Matthai Kuruvila對這篇報導的完成有所貢獻
目前提出來的San Jose A's主場草圖 (Photo by Threesixty Architecture)
註: RP Sean Doolittle在twitter提到,在他發現他們的更衣室內有一座新的泳池後,他得去看看突擊者的球員休息室了!很酷捏!