
他很嗆,嗆完之後剛好來到運動家主場Coliseum,我們期盼著A's能在場上給C.J. Wilson點顏色瞧瞧;但球隊仍以大比分 (1:9)落敗,在Wilson沒向A's以及球迷道歉之前,在A's沒能將Wilson knock down以前,A's球迷們只能暫時"吞下去"了...

"Sucks" (爛透了,帶有鄙視之意)一詞,常見於國外討論區中,球迷用來表達對自家老闆/教練/選手的不滿,或是用來嗆特定隊伍用;但遊騎兵的先發投手C.J. Wilson他老兄不知道是怎樣,在作客奧克蘭系列戰前,批評起了運動家主場Coliseum,以及A's球迷 Jeff Caplan的文章提到,即將在今年冬天成為自由球員的C.J. Wilson表達Oakland A's不在他未來的考慮範圍之內

"I hate pitching there. The mound sucks, the fans suck. There's no fans there," Wilson said, free-flowing off a question about the ample foul territory at Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum. "It's too bad because the fans that are there are really adamant and they're really stoked on the team and they play drums and they wave flags and that's cool. But, you know, some games you go there and there's like 6,000 people there.

"我厭惡在那投球。投手丘爛透了,球迷爛透了。那裡沒有球迷"當被問到Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum廣大的界外區域時Wilson說 "太差了,那的球迷真的很固執,很熱情,他們/她們打鼓、揮旗,很酷。但有些比賽就好像只有6千人到場"

"It's kind of sad because it's a major league team and there's guys out there that are obviously pretty good players -- guys like (Trevor) Cahill and Gio Gonzalez, obviously they are All-Star pitchers -- and I just wish that the fan base supported them a little bit more."


這邊看起來,其實原意也不是那麼負面。對投手丘 (對象有點怪)與球迷 (躺著也中槍?)的相關意見換個方式陳述會更好

"I'd rather pitch here than in Oakland. I like the fans here a lot better, so you don't have to worry about me signing there after the season," Wilson said. "They hate me there anyways so it doesn't matter. The players on their team hate me, whatever; I don't care."

"跟在奧克蘭比起來,我比較想在這投球。我比較喜歡這的球迷,所以你不用擔心我會在本季之後跟他們簽約" Wilson說 "他們討厭我,他們那隊的選手討厭我,我不在意"


C.J. Wilson對於A's的意見不僅於此,早在五月初在阿靈頓對運動家敗投後,C.J. 跟德州記者說,綠帽打的是"Lawyer ball"啦~ (律師野球? 很妙的說法!) 打者不揮棒,只等待判決 (來自裁判)。那天,Wilson投出了本季最多的五次四死球,Wilson也認為是Lawyer ball害他吞敗

五月那時,A's送了顆球給C.J. 上頭寫著"From the law office of"加上選手簽名 (來自某某法律事務所);八月此刻,相較於大多數隊員的冷處理 (e.g. 有球員說誰在意他想什麼、David DeJesus就像面對其他投手般地想要在每次遇上他時,將他擊敗、Gio帶著微笑地說C.J. 有權擁有自己的意見,希望球迷能好好歡迎他),被列在DL的Dallas Braden可沒有失掉他的領袖氣息來捍衛球隊以及球迷,Braden回敬完全比賽的T-shirt,以及留有文字的報紙 (不是"小紙條"...XD)於C.J. Wilson在運動家客隊休息室的置物櫃

相關文字將馬克吐溫 (Mark Twain)的話

"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt."

(大意: 不說話讓人認為你是傻瓜,好過於開口說話後讓人確定你是傻瓜)


"It's better to let people think you're a (jerk) than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. ... Hey, nobody's perfect!"


Brandon McCarthy與Rich Harden是隊上兩位與Wilson同隊過的球員。McCarthy說Wilson不是真的要攻擊選手,他攻擊的是球迷;但McCarthy不了解為什麼C.J.要這麼做


"I know we haven't been getting as many fans as everyone would like, but we have really good fans," said Harden, who starts Sunday. "That's something I've always appreciated. The fans we have are great. I'd like to see us put together a good season for them. Those comments by C.J. - that was kind of insulting to them."

"我知道我們沒有每個人所喜歡的那麼多球迷,但是我們擁有相當棒的球迷們"將在週日先發的Harden說 "我常懷感謝之意,我們所擁有的球迷們相當不錯,我想要看著我們為他們/她們打出美好的球季。C.J.的評論,對他們/她們來說是種污辱"


看著這個系列戰, Coliseum內外野草坪仍留NFL奧克蘭突擊者隊 (Oakland Raiders)剛比賽過後所留下的標線痕跡。當明年馬林魚有專用球場後 (目前與邁阿密海豚共用),就只剩A's要跟Raiders繼續共用了。A's何時能有個專用的棒球場呢?

也許,C.J. Wilson不是想要引人注意,這位全明星球員只是"用心良苦"地點出 Coliseum的投手丘令人不舒服 (這邊不是個合格的球場)。如果A's將來有機會搬家的話,無論是不是到San Jose,可以再期待聽聽Wilson對A's有何批評指教...

註1: 8/11美國東岸時間晚上十點,突擊者在 Coliseum有賽事,相隔一天的晚間10:05有A's的比賽。球場相關人員快速地為它變裝,也算是"M~~A~~G~~I~~C~~"了

註2: 標題為"C.J. Wilson,你是在講什麼?"

Finale at Toronto, no Coco Crisp; A's dismiss C.J. Wilson comments

C.J. Wilson rips A's fans, mound

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A's rout Jays - Rangers next amid controversy

無處可去的男人們阿 (上)

無處可去的男人們阿 (下)

Mother's Day, Perfect Game

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