

2010年的母親節,Dallas Braden於主場面對全聯盟戰績最佳 (22-8)的坦帕灣光芒投出 Perfect Game (完全比賽,簡單來說為整場比賽沒讓對手任何一位打者上壘,以九局來看就是連續製造27個出局數),成為MLB史上第19位投出 Perfect Game的投手 [註1],同時也是運動家隊史上繼Catfish Hunter (1968年)之後第二位締造此項紀錄的人

Jed Jacobsohn_Getty Images.jpg
Photo by Jed Jacobsohn (Getty Images)

還記得幾個小時前看緯來體育新聞,報導 La New陳雁風選手請他阿嬤陳侯雪女士到場開球,並於母親節致詞中感謝她養育之情的感動 (google搜尋,其中 N新聞網的某篇新聞有相關影片);幾個小時後,Braden賽後跟阿嬤相擁而泣的畫面,再度令人動容 (Braden hugs his grandmother on MLB.com)

"It's very special," Lindsey said. "Dall and I are very close. He just said, 'I love you,' and I said, 'Your mom would have been so proud.' I think that's what he was thinking, too."
阿嬤說:這感覺非常特別,Dall (指Dallas)與我十分緊密。(在賽後擁抱時)他說 "我愛妳",我說 "你媽媽想必會因你的表現而驕傲",我覺得他 (指Dallas)也會這麼想著

Braden在 Stockton的童年生活環境充斥犯罪、幫派與貧窮,母親 Jodie Atwood拉拔他長大。如果不是棒球,他現在很有可能跟著他的兒時玩伴們一同待在監牢裡。Braden高中時只打了兩年棒球,高二第一個學期81天裡缺課79天。阿嬤 Peggy Lindsey讓他知道母親的犧牲與辛勞是要讓他能往棒球之路邁進、遠離牢獄之災,這才讓他有所轉變。Dallas高三時母親因皮膚癌過世,由阿嬤照顧。或許這些不完滿,讓Braden這些年來的母親節難以有所喜悅;而今年他在阿嬤面前,在這個特別的日子,讓一切頓時顯得相當完美 (Braden的阿嬤總在 Braden於主場出賽時,由Stockton開一小時的車來看他比賽)

2010/05/09是Braden職業生涯的第53次先發,也是他首場完投。面對Rays的27個打者投出 6次三振,109球中有77顆好球,最後一個人次面對六上曾與 Braden纏鬥12球的 Gabe Kapler,最終讓Kapler擊出游擊方向滾地球,Pennington傳 Barton。Perfect ! (TV, radio calls of perfect game on MLB.com)

Photo by Jed Jacobsohn_Getty Images.jpg
Photo by Jed Jacobsohn (Getty Images)

Susan Slusser在SFGate.com上整理了這27個出局數,並列出運動家 (含費城運動家時期)隊史上的無安打比賽。MLB.com上有27個出局數的影片 (Braden is perfect in Oakland)

"You really can't say anything negative about it," Tampa Bay third baseman Evan Longoria said. "I mean, a perfect game is a perfect game."
Longoria說 "完全比賽就是場完美的比賽,你真的無法說出什麼負面話語"

與 Dallas搭檔的捕手 Landon Powell,在打擊方面也有所表現,2 for 4 1 RBI (2局,勝利打點)

"When we first finished the game and celebrated and I saw Dallas hugging his grandmother, I was tearing up," A's catcher Landon Powell said. "He's had a lot of things happen in his life, even in the last couple of years in the game of baseball, and it couldn't happen to someone who deserves it more."
"當我們完成比賽在慶祝時,我看見 Dallas抱他阿嬤,我流目油了" Powell說 " 他的人生經歷過許多事,近幾年在球場上也是。此完美紀錄是該留給他的"

209的厝邊們同樣在現場分享喜悅。由 Braden舉辦的 Section 209計畫,在每次他主場先發時,將Coliseum 209區的座位以優惠的價格提供給住在 Stockton 209區域的居民 (Coliseum坐位示意圖),讓鄉親們可到現場看他打球。Braden是個不忘本的人,目前仍住在 Stockton,他計畫將他Perfect Game的球、球衣與相關紀念物捐給" the Stockton Hall of Fame " (有這些東西應該就能夠成立了吧~)。官網Section 209 Program相關頁面上還有行有趣的字

Section 209 is sold out, but you can sit in Section 210 for just $12!

本文不會提到投手丘事件,感謝你/妳耐心地看到這邊 (快寫完了...)

"The way things unfolded, the bigger story is with his mom and with his grandmother," said the A's longest serving player, Eric Chavez. "The headline is the special day with his grandmother."
Chavy提到除了 Braden與他母親及阿嬤的故事外,焦點應放在這特別的日子與他的阿嬤

"I'm thinking, 'Let's forget it, let's forget it,' "Lindsey said. But then she paused and said, "Stick it, A-Rod."


留存美國各大體育入口網站首頁,獻給 Dallas Braden與他的家人!






註1-1: MLB官網與 baseball-almanac上有完全比賽的相關列表,包括 Cy Young, Sandy Koufax, Kenny Rogers, David Wells, David Cone, Randy Johnson以及去年的Mark Buehrle等人。A's也成了第四支締造超過一場完全比賽的球隊,之前有白襪 (2)、洋基 (3)與印地安人 (2)

註1-2: 19次的完全比賽紀錄裡,有兩支球隊連續被完全比賽。道奇 (12th-1988, 13th-1991)與光芒 (18th-2009, 19th-2010)


Perfect in pink! Mother's Day A+ for Braden@ A's.com
Braden throws 19th perfect game@ SFGate.com
Oh yeah, a series win over Rays@ SFGate.com
Braden's perfect game is something special@ SFGate.com
Before Braden got the win, grandma got the save@ SFGate.com

[影片] Braden on pitching perfect game
[影片] Dallas' granny talks perfection

Dallas Braden的Perfect Game特輯@ MLB.com
Mark Buehrle的Perfect Game特輯@ MLB.com
Randy Johnson的Perfect Game特輯@ MLB.com 

Mother's Day 2008@ MLB.com
Father's Day 2008@  MLB.com


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