在生日之前看到了一則運動家的消息,還蠻令人措手不及的,Nick Swisher被交易到了芝加哥白襪(!!!???)
2002第一輪由奧克蘭選進的Nick還是無法繼續陪伴著當地球迷(MVN裡的A’s Deal Swisher To White Sox一文,第一位死忠球迷的回應提到還有更多前輩如Reggie Jackson, Rickey Henderson, 大麥克, 坎塞柯都是在這裡茁壯但之後也都被送走),球隊用他向Soxs換來了三個prospects(左投Gio Gonzalez+右投Fautino De Los Santos+可守LF與CF的Ryan Sweeney)。
(Photo by Jose Carlos Fajardo / Contra Costa Times)
來看看國外的球迷問了MLB.com的作家Mychael Urban 哪些問題
Author:Mychael Urban
From:Mailbag: Fans weigh in on Swisher deal / MLB.com
What do you think of the Nick Swisher trade to the White Sox? I thought you said a couple of weeks back that Swish was untouchable, but I guess everyone is not safe with [general manager] Billy Beane here. I trust in Beane, but Swish was the star in the clubhouse because he could drive in runs, take walks and play multiple positions.
-- Miles P., Vallejo, Calif.
I was surprised by the Swisher deal when I first heard about it, mainly because I think he's young enough, and still with plenty of years left for improvement, to have been the centerpiece of the rebuilding effort. He's a very good player, a great teammate, great in the community, and great with the media and fans. That's why I thought Swisher would be one of the few untouchables heading into the offseason.
A:(以下的第一人稱都是Mychael Urban)我剛聽到這消息也很吃驚,因為我覺得他還年輕,還有很大的進步空間,會是重建時的重要人物。他是非常好的球員,很好的隊友,對於社區,媒體,球迷都很友善。這也是當初我覺得季後不會動到他的原因
(Chris O'Meara / AP)
The more I thought about the deal, however, the more sense it made. Like Dan Haren, Swisher was one of the precious few established, high-quality A's to get through 2007 without big-time injury issues, so like Haren, he was one of the precious few A's with big-time trade value. Joe Blanton and Mark Ellis fall into this category, too, although I'm doubting if Ellis will bring as much as Blanton will in a trade, and I'm not sure Blanton will bring as much as Swisher.
與Haren一樣,Swisher在07年都對球隊有貢獻,而且算是比較無傷痛紀錄的球員,這也是他們當作籌碼的價值。小胖(Joe Blanton)跟艾莉絲(Mark Ellis )同樣是比較健康的,但我不確定小胖能換到像Swisher交易的內容,艾莉絲可能比小胖更不具吸引力。
I know this trade hurts for the fans, and understandably so. If the Haren deal didn't make it clear that you were in for a long 2008, the Swisher deal certainly pounds the point home, as will what appear to be the inevitable trade of Blanton and maybe others (Huston Street, anyone?). But I've spoken to many people within the game about the deal and they all seem to think Beane did extremely well on this one.
我知道這樁交易傷害了球迷,我也能理解大家的傷痛。從Haren, Swisher到接下來交易小胖或是像休士頓街(Huston Street)等其他人,徹底的就是要要在2008開始重建。不過我跟許多人都認為豆爺完成了不錯的交易
Selfishly, as a baseball fan and as someone who covers the team, I don't like the trade because I like watching good players and I love dealing with Nick. Looking at it objectively, though, I think it was a pretty smart, albeit very bold, move by a smart and bold GM. Call me a house organ if you want, but I'm simply deferring to the knowledge of insiders who know a lot more about the business of baseball.
(Chris O'Meara / AP)
Just curious: How many e-mails have you gotten about the Swisher trade, and what percentage of them have been in favor of it?
-- Lance R., Tempe, Ariz.
I got 634 e-mails in the first 24 hours after the trade, and I've gotten about 100 each day since. I'd say the percentage of those in favor of the trade is at about 20 percent so far. Here's a couple of the e-mails I've received that represent the two schools of thought, the first accurately conveying the passion of those against the trade (popular refrain: "Beane has lost his mind!"), the second offering a look at the level of confidence some fans have in Beane's vision for the future.
A:交易之後的24小時內,我收到了634封mail,之後每天大約有一百封 ,大約兩成的人支持。球迷來信內容主要有兩派,1.反對此項交易(都忍住沒將"豆爺瘋了"之類的話說出)2.對於未來有信心
These trades that Billy Beane is pulling now are starting to become ridiculous. I am the biggest A's fan you will find, but after I heard about Swisher being traded, I got sad -- then laughed. I thought to myself, "Well, it figures the A's would trade their best player." Swisher was young, and we traded him for three prospects. I just don't understand what this team or management is doing. The fan base is going to go way down. We're always known for bringing up big names, and we can never keep them. How do they ever expect to contend when we do this? First Marco Scutaro, Haren ... now Swish? Many A's fans I've talked to say they are going to be Giants fans now; better to be a fan of cheaters than have our hearts break when one of our favorite and best players gets traded. I would never be a Giants fan, but I will proudly wear a ChiSox Swisher shirt. This trade really angered me. Who's next?
-- Ashley A., Modesto, Calif.
Q:豆爺越來越離譜,我是A's的死忠球迷,但Swisher被換掉後我很難過,我也對自己說"最好的球員被換走了"他很年輕,我們換來了三個更年輕的,我不知道球隊跟管理者在幹什麼。球迷在流失,我們總是養到有名就不留下來。最近一連串的交易案從Scutaro, Haren到Swish,我知道很多運動家的球迷都要準備去支持巨人了,總比被球隊欺騙感情來的好。不斷地被傷害著,心都碎了啦。我不會變心,但我會驕傲地穿著芝加哥將來為Swisher出的衣服。我真的怒了!下一個會是誰(被交易)?
(Eric Risberg/AP)
I know that you will get thousands of dissenting e-mails regarding the recent trade of Swisher and the 2008 outlook for the A's, but I wanted to send an e-mail supporting the moves. Let's face it, we are all fans of a small-market team, and this is what small-market teams have to do. Until the A's can move into a new stadium or just plain move, we will forever have to watch star after star be traded away. Most likely the A's were not going to contend anyway, so this is the best option. Don't forget how the last "rebuilding" plan went: Mark Mulder for the possible 2008 Rookie of the Year in Barton, a No. 1 starter in Haren and, when healthy, one of the best setup men in the game in Kiko Calero. Billy knows what he is doing way more that the rest of us armchair quarterbacks, so I, for one, applaud the moves and will continue to root for the Green and Gold.
-- Mike H., Walnut Creek, Calif.
Q:很多人反對,但我支持這改變。來面對這項事實,我們是小市場球隊的球迷,這些交易都是必須做的。在搬進新球場前,我們都得看盡這些來來去去。之前的重建計畫,探員(Mark Mulder) 替我們帶來了Barton, Haren, 跟Kiko
I'm guessing a lot of people are yelling at Mike via their computer screen right now about the Tim Hudson trade that came days before the Mulder deal. Not Beane's finest moment, to be sure. But Mike wasn't alone in saying he's keeping the faith.
A:很多人可能看完Mke的意見後(支持交易)會對著螢幕大叫,在探員交易之前才走了蜜蜂( Tim Hudson )
OK, now back to this week's selected questions ...
Why don't the A's just re-sign Shannon Stewart? Obviously we have no depth in the outfield at all, so we could make him an incentive-based offer. Why not get him back for some temporary help until Carlos Gonzalez and Ryan Sweeney are completely ready?
-- Harbir D., Stockton, Calif.
Q:A's怎麼不重新簽下香濃史都華(Shannon Stewart)?我們的外野看來深度不夠,我們可用激勵條款簽他。讓他在Carlos Gonzalez以及Ryan Sweeney成熟前擋一下
I don't want to come off as crass, Harbir, but I think you're still in denial about the whole rebuilding thing. Given what Beane has been doing and saying, it just wouldn't make any sense to sign a soon-to-be 34-year-old outfielder for any amount of money. The A's are fully committed to going young. Way young. And the only way for the young players to develop is to play.
Also, why on earth would Stewart even want to sign with Oakland on the cheap at this point? Surely he could land that same incentives-laden deal with a contending team looking for a veteran fourth outfielder and look to work his way into a starting job the way he did with the A's, right?
If it makes you feel any better, Harbir, you're not alone. I'm still getting a lot of e-mail asking if the A's are interested in all kinds of unsigned veterans who don't make sense for a team in full-blown makeover mode. For instance: Mike Cameron and Bartolo Colon.
這位球迷你不是孤單的,我也持續接到信件詢問運動家是否對一些老將有興趣,像是 Mike Cameron以及ㄎ龍(Bartolo Colon).
After Marco Scutaro was traded, you mentioned in a mailbag that you thought it was a precursor to acquiring another infielder. How's that crow taste?
-- Crazy Dave, Petaluma, Calif.
Q:在Scutaro 走之後,您提到也許會補個內野手。
I don't think I've eaten any, and here's why: I was told by an organizational source at the time that the A's were indeed on the brink of adding a more established infielder, possibly to push Crosby at shortstop and, at the least, provide more experience than Donnie Murphy has as a utilityman. Those plans were scrapped shortly thereafter when the team started to realize how poor the overall health of the team still was and how likely this rebuilding process was going to be.
A:為何我當時會那樣說呢?那時根據官方來源透露,球隊即將補個能做出貢獻的內野手,可能將Crosby擠出游擊防區(還是促使Crosby在游擊更努力,我不確定它的意思要怎麼翻),至少會比擔任工具人的Murphy 更有經驗。在球隊了解本身潛在的傷兵問題以及新的重建之路進行之後,那些計畫就暫時停擺了
Are the A's having a FanFest this year? I've yet to hear such news. If yes, when? If no, why not?
-- Joey B., Oakland
Finally, a softball. Yes, Joey, there is a FanFest scheduled for this year. It's going to be held Saturday, Jan. 26, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at McAfee Coliseum. Click this link to get your tickets.
A:1月26日就來啦。詳情請見A's FanFest2008
(目前名單有:名人堂球員Rollie Fingers, 總教練Bob Geren。現役A's球員有 Daric Barton, Jerry Blevins, Dallas Braden, Andrew Brown, Rob Bowen, Travis Buck, Jack Cust, Chris Denorfia, Lenny DiNardo, Justin Duchscherer, Mark Ellis, Alan Embree, Chad Gaudin, Jack Hannahan, Dan Johnson, Kevin Melillo, Dan Meyer, Donnie Murphy, Danny Putnam, Kurt Suzuki )
Happy New Year, everyone. We're now back on track with the every-Monday mailbag rotation, so keep the questions coming. I'll keep doing my best to keep you informed.
新年快樂!下週一請繼續收看Urban之聲,歡迎大家來嗆蝦 (不是阿宏之聲啦)
Oh, and here's a little breaking news: Beane recently added two more prospects without giving up anything. His wife delivered twins, a boy and a girl, over the weekend. Everyone is healthy and happy
2換6,Dan Haren到Arizona
Joe Kennedy的死因 (文中同時簡述Mark Kotsay的交易包裹)
2換4,Rich Harden到Chicago Cubs
1換3,Joe Blanton到Philadelphia
The Dugout's Getting Quiet, Really! @Private Suite in Betrayal
Another rebuilding move by A's Beane @SFGate.com