National Baseball Hall of Fame 在2005年多了兩位新成員:打過紅襪,洋基,魔鬼魚,獲選12次明星球員及94'95'金手套的三壘手Wade Boggs以及芝加哥小熊著名的二壘手Ryne Sandberg,他們兩位的bronze plaque(青銅製的匾)將與已進入名人堂的258位偉大球員,裁判,managers,球隊執行者的bronze plaque共同懸掛在Cooperstown(古柏鎮), N.Y的名人堂博物館。
Wade Boggs,右投左打,十八年的職棒生涯留下平均.328的打擊率,生涯上壘率.412與3010支安打(生涯排名第23位),在他的plaque上雕刻著紅襪隊的帽子。雖然他在洋基的五年時間贏得了生涯唯一一次的世界大賽冠軍,以及1999年退休前在魔鬼魚的兩年達到了生涯三千支安打的紀錄,但他的五次美聯打擊王,一次單季安打(240-85')最多都是在紅襪的十一年間締造的。
"My train ride began in 1976 in Elmira, N.Y., and has had many stops along the way,"
"Today, that train has pulled into Cooperstown, N.Y. I found a new family here in the Hall of Fame. And my wife and I believe this is the beginning of another baseball journey." --Wade Boggs
暱稱Ryno的小熊明星二壘手Ryne Sandberg,1981年在費城費城人升上大聯盟,隔年被交易到小熊隊後一直待到97'退休。Sandberg在83'~91'連續九年獲得國聯的金手套獎,84'~93'連續十一年的國聯明星球員,並在84年獲得國聯MVP。右投右打的他,16年的職棒生涯打擊率.285,共有282隻HR,344次盜壘成功。
"Seeing all these Cubs fans out there, it seems like a home game for me,"
"I feel like every Cub fan in the world is with me today." --Ryne Sandberg
在Boggs與Sandberg獲選進入名人堂的同時,也頒獎給兩位對棒球界有貢獻的人Jerry Coleman以及Peter Gammons。長期擔任教士隊播報員的Jerry Coleman獲頒Ford C. Frick Award(to a broadcaster for major contributions to baseball ),Coleman曾經擔任過洋基的二壘手,也曾獲得1950年世界大賽的MVP,之後的33年在聖地牙哥擔任播報球賽的工作,"Oh, doctor!" 是他播報時的口頭禪。
而獲得J.G. Taylor Spink Award( for meritorious contributions to baseball writing)的Peter Gammons,從1988年就在ESPN工作,是名與球員關係良好的媒體工作者。
"Because I am a human, I have the right to like people," he said, explaining the reason for his many strong relationships with baseball players and personnel. "But because I am a professional, I have no right to dislike anyone."--Peter Gammons