這是球迷們想知道的,包括身為 A's球迷的我。
感謝加拿大媒體 Sportsnet的 Shi Davidi從多倫多藍鳥隊的角度,撰文記錄藍鳥隊與奧克蘭運動家隊交易 Josh Donaldson的整個過程,雖然先提到了藍鳥隊現任 GM Alex Anthopoulos早在擔任 J.P. Ricciardi副手時,便與奧克蘭運動家隊的 GM Billy Beane建立關係;但雙方(Anthopoulos與 Beane)的交情,並不是促成整樁交易的主因,來看看 Davidi寫些什麼。
GM會議後兩週,在冬季會議展開的兩週前,藍鳥隊想找棒子補 Adam Lind(11月初,藍鳥隊剛用 Lind與密爾瓦基釀酒人隊交易31歲的右投 Marco Estrada),Anthopoulos撥電話給 Beane,再次談論換Donaldson的可能性。Anthopoulos自十月起便斷斷續續地與 Beane談 Donaldson。
Beane依舊不換,若 A's失去 Donaldson的話,打線將會產生很大的洞,也沒人可以補上;這次,Anthopoulos提到,如果藍鳥隊出 Brett Lawrie的話好不好?
“‘Look, I can’t,’” Anthopoulos recalls Beane replying. “‘I’m not going to move him. We’re still going to try to win next year, it would just create a huge hole in my lineup and I can’t afford it — I don’t have anyone to replace him.’” This time, however, Anthopoulos had an idea to break the deadlock. “I said, ‘Well, what if Lawrie was coming back?’”
起先,藍鳥隊也不想失去 Lawrie,正盤算著將 Lawrie移防二壘的同時,把三壘交給 Donaldson;不過藍鳥隊若只出新秀的話,雙方是無法開始談的;當 AA (Alex Anthopoulos)願意出到 Lawrie後,雙方才開始談。不過藍鳥隊除了送出 Lawrie之外,還需要加誰,便是雙方需要評估的重點。
Anthopoulos在藍鳥主場 Rogers Centre的辦公室,位在球隊總裁 Paul Beeston隔壁。這天早上 Anthopoulos走進 Beeston的辦公室,提到 Donaldson一案目前進入談判,但代價會傷害到人們的情感。Anthopoulos想要留住 Lawrie,讓他轉二壘,不過交易案沒 Lawrie的話談不下去。若交易到 Donaldson的話,藍鳥還可以保有他四年(註: 2019年才成為 FA),薪水也不貴。
同一時間,Anthopoulos開始跟助理 GM們、球探、選手發展部、分析團隊與總教練 John Gibbons等人研究交易包裹的各種可能性。並思考失去 Lawrie的影響?A's喜歡的新秀,「天花板」為何?Donaldson在2015年之後,會帶給藍鳥隊團隊薪資的影響?Anthopoulos提到他們仍不知道 A's實際想要的是誰,只知道 A's喜歡哪些選手,也不清楚整個包裹會長什麼樣。
當晚,Anthopoulos與 Beane通過電話,A's仍有興趣,雙方交換了一些名字。
Anthopoulos與 Beane談到了藍鳥隊的新秀 Gravemanm和 Barreto。
“If you’re prepared to do this, I’ll do the four guys [Lawrie, Nolin, Graveman and Barreto] for one. I’m ready to get the deal done if you are,” Anthopoulos says. “Give me a little time to get back to you,” was the reply. A short while later, Beane called back with a simple message: “I’m good.”
Anthopoulos提到藍鳥隊願意出 Lawrie, Nolin, Graveman與 Barreto等四名選手來換 Donaldson,Beane需要想一想,隨後回撥,表達同意。接著只剩體檢的程序,Anthopoulos也在當天打給隊上的訓練員 George Poulis與 Mike Frostad,準備跟 A's的訓練員交換選手健康方面的資料。
交易案的進展,比藍鳥總裁 Paul Beeston預估的還快。
「剩下就是醫生的事了」,藍鳥隊那邊只需要檢視一名選手的健康狀況,相對單純。在球隊諮詢過專業人士(或者請選手進行體檢)後,可以簡單地再請一位醫師看看報告便完成整個程序;不過,藍鳥隊沒有這樣做,Anthopoulos便通知 Beane:藍鳥隊的醫療團隊已簽字。
A's這邊的確認,需要較長的時間,於是 Anthopoulos返家帶老婆女兒到市區看 NBA多倫多暴龍於主場迎戰達拉斯小牛的比賽。看球之前先到他的辦公室放東西,看完球回去拿東西時,獲知 A's已完成確認。接著,Anthopoulos載家人回家後,立即回到辦公室,進入大聯盟官方系統同意此筆交易。
Anthopoulos聯絡 Lawrie的同時,請助理 GM Tony LaCava通知 Nolin, Graveman與 Barreto等人,Lawrie沒接到電話,但很快地聽了語音留言,並回撥給 Anthopoulos。事情發生的太快,Lawrie感覺一切都像在作夢,雙方講了將近10分鐘的電話,Anthopoulos表示這是個艱難的決定。同一時間,Beane也將這個消息告知 Donaldson,40分鐘後,藍鳥隊發表正式聲明。
A's Josh Donaldson (3B) <-> Jays Brett Lawrie (3B) + Kendall Graveman (RHP) + Sean Nolin (LHP) + Franklin Barreto (SS)
整個過程看起來是藍鳥隊的 GM Anthopoulos主動想換 Donaldson,10月開始談,一直到 AA願意放出Lawrie的11月下旬,才促成雙方火速地在五天內完成交易。
#20 Josh Donaldson (Photo By Bob Levey / Getty Images North America)
至於什麼因為 Beane與 Donaldson有過爭吵,所以 Beane主動將他交易出去這樣的傳聞,AN也有相關討論,見〈Athletics rumors: Billy Beane did not trade Josh Donaldson because of an argument〉。
球迷 iglew提到 Scott Miller在 Bleacher Report寫的文章,Miller引用球界不具名人士的說法,然後Yahoo, RantSports, CBS與 Deadspin等站又引用或連結 Miller的文章內容。
I appreciate that you're trying to rebut the stupidity, but
your second sentence only reinforces the false impression that five different sources are reporting this.
To be clear, there is only one source for this story. It is Scott Miller, writing at Bleacher Report, quoting an anonymous "industry source".
The other four outlets you mention — Yahoo, RantSports, CBS, and Deadspin — all quote or link Miller’s story with added speculative commentary but no additional reporting. Two of those stories also link to (but don’t quote) John Shea’s story in the SF Chronicle, where Shea mentions the incident and follows up with quotes from both Beane and Donaldson dismissing it as not serious.
(The double hyphen in the Yahoo story’s URL bollixes SBN’s linking tool. That URL ishttp://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mlb-big-league-stew/report—josh-donaldson-clashed-with-billy-beane-before-trade-005754140.html .)
"[L]et them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it."
by iglew on Dec 4, 2014 | 4:27 PM
不過,在 Miller發表那篇文章之前,舊金山紀事報的棒球作家 John Shea曾撰文(A's trade of Josh Donaldson is hard to figure out)稍微提到一些傳聞(請注意,是稍微。且 Shea與 Miller提的內容不盡相同,Shea聽到的內容,調性比較軟,且重點是…針對此事有詢問過當事者)。
The morning after the trade, word circulated of an in-season spat between Beane and Donaldson after Donaldson requested a couple of days off to get right physically. According to sources, Beane suggested if Donaldson were that banged up, he’d need to go on the disabled list, prompting the two to have words.
“We had a talk, but that was before the All-Star break,” Donaldson said via text when asked about the issue on Saturday.
Beane said in a text it was “normal protocol,” adding management typically has talks with players over potential DL stints. “Josh just needed a couple days and then he was back out there. No big deal.”
大意是,在 Donaldson 被交易後,球界有些耳語(請注意,是耳語)。提到了季中 Donaldson與 Beane間的爭吵… Donaldson要求要休個幾天來恢復身體狀態,Beane建議如果受傷的話,Donaldson需要進傷兵名單。
當 A's與 Jays達成協議後的11/29,Donaldson被問到此事時, 提到他跟 Beane有過對話,但那發生在明星賽之前、Beane則說那是當球員有可能進 DL時,所講的一般內容。
John Shea也在 Miller的文章引發討論之後,以〈A’s talk — more on Josh Donaldson, Billy Beane; and Brandon Moss trade report〉提到 Miller那一篇文章,Shea僅提及 Miller描述的內容,並未評論其真實性。
此外,Shea寫到,紐約時報 Joel Sherman聯繫 Beane詢問 Donaldson交易案是否與「相關事件」有關?Beane提到他不會因私人衝突,就把隊上最好的選手交易出去,並補充「那很荒謬,多回應只是增加其可信度」(“It's so absurd. To respond further is to give it credibility.”)
JD有什麼想法是不會隱藏的,譬如說2014年6月6日對 Manny Machado的那個 play
(Greg Fiume / Getty Images North America)
以 A's球迷的角度回想上季,並未有任何媒介顯示兩人曾發生過爭執,也是到了季末才開始傳出關於 Donaldson的交易乳摸 (rumor)。即便日後證明,兩人真的發生過爭執,也無法證明與後來的交易有關。
如果 AA都要出到 Brett Lawrie才有機會開始談 Josh Donaldson,那麼,您還覺得是季中的不愉快導致此樁交易的產生嗎?
How the Donaldson deal went down@ Sportsnet