9/3,Chavy (Eric Chavez)在球隊回到加州後討論了他的未來,現在的他仍受頸部傷勢所苦 (肩膀也不舒服),今年球季他不會再上場比賽
他努力要在今年球季再度回到球場,打球的意志與渴望一直都在,技術 (眼手協調性 hand-eye coordination)也都在,但最終仍敵不過身體狀況,他不知道是否可以再打棒球了;而Chavy在9/3與球團會面後沒有宣布退休,近期也不會有相關退休聲明
"It doesn't matter if I make a formal statement or not," Chavez said. "To me, it's kind of unnecessary. I'll just let time be the answer, and we'll see what happens."
("發表正式聲明與否並不重要" Chavez說 "對我而言,那並非必要。我將會讓時間揭曉答案,然後我們將會看到什麼事情發生")
A's與Chavy的66M/6y合約到今年為止,2011 球團有option;但一般預料運動家球團應會以3M buyout
Chavy回到Oakland的另個原因為,他計畫待著這裡,在dugout跟著隊友渡過接下來的主場9連戰 "unless they tell me to go home." (除非他們叫我回家)
"Obviously the reason I'm here is because I'm going to miss the clubhouse feel," he said. "Oakland's been a big part of who I am and what I've done in the past 12 years. I wanted to be here to be in uniform, but I knew one way or the other I was coming back.
"我在這的原因很明顯,因為我即將失去身為球隊一份子的感覺" 他(Chavy)說”Oakland在過去12年來,對於我這個人以及我做了哪些事占了重大的部分,我想要穿著球衣在這”"I wanted to be on the roster, that was my goal. When the beginning of the year started, it was more important for me to be here at the end than at the beginning. Obviously that's not going to happen, but I still want to be around that camaraderie."
"我想在roster裡,那是我的目標。今年開始時,對我來說能在球季尾聲待在這 (roster)比一開始能待著還來得重要。很明顯地這將不會發生,但我仍想與隊友們逗陣"
這陣子幾次,數了幾遍,還以為39是設定好給這位選手的 (是嗎?)
祝福你啦,運動家內野左側這角令人印象深刻的你,Eric Chavez!
Eric Chavez shuts it down for season, hints he may be done (文章第二張圖,9/3 Chavy在dugout的景象。由Jane Tyska拍攝)